Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Taking the first step ...

Finally, the first step in blogosphere has been taken. A lot of rants, ruminations, thoughts, ideas, stories, anecdotes ... now I can look forward to this space as one destination for everything. Or will it be a junkyard? Time here will decide whether this child who has been taking baby steps around the cradle for some time now and has turned the front door knob a few moments back, will succeed in moving ahead and while crossing the veranda, will gain enough experience to proceed towards the highway, or will get lost in figuring out how to cross the potholes in the alley or in trying to discover the best way to cross the speed bumps without causing much harm to herself. Only time will tell!

Been months, if not years, that the thought was going around in my mind. Was I not sure whether I wanted to join the blogging world? Probably yes. Or was it more of my usual procrastination? I don't think so. Was I just waiting for a trigger to take the next natural step to whatever writing, commenting, rhyming, liking and of course reading I have been doing more and more frequently during the last few months of my life? Acceptable. Am I sure it was not the confusion on what should be the theme - humor, emotions, social issues, travel, life style? I guess so. The date of the first step suggests to me this may be my new year resolution. Hmmm ... that's close! Or actually the real reason was the long ruminations on what should be the name of the blog. Yes, true to a great extent.

As it might happen with a wandering mind, the reason is not one but a combination of all these, with varying degrees of influence throughout the life cycle of the decision. I have reasons to believe that the chronology of these influences for sure follows the sequence in which the thoughts appeared in my mind, and got translated here. And now, as I read through the first few words I am contributing to the ever-increasing multitude of bytes on the Internet, I get this sudden urge to ask myself - why didn't this happen earlier? Well, better late than never.

Thinking aloud, the theme should not have been such a great challenge, knowing what the trigger is. Yes, a lot of events happening around in the last few days made it ever so difficult to hold on to this seemingly inevitable step. Personal, professional, social, political, economic ... a lot of negative energy flowing around everywhere. A lot of negativity has generally led to a lot of churn in our minds, some times in a systematic manner, but mostly incongruous thoughts going uncontrollably in all directions, leading to more confusion and a greater pessimism. And now I know, where the title and the theme come from? In hindsight, it looks so obvious.

By the way, it is not very encouraging to see first four names you have painstakingly shortlisted (or shall I say listed using a combination of the results on your favorite search engine, the words you dreamt of the previous night and the phrases you found interesting in the book you finished an hour back) are already in use, and hence unavailable. But it is indeed heartening to notice that the fifth one you pull out of your hat has been usurped by one of the richest persons in the world as a title of a best seller. Never mind ... may be it is good for a pauper to ruminate and ensure a positive outcome, like it is for a billionaire to be impatient and confidently put a high risk premium on the outcome. Only time will tell!

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